PHL ANNUAL MEETING | NOVEMBER 5, 2022 | Washington, DC

“Meeting People Where They Are”

Public Health Liberation Annual Meeting: "Meeting People Where They Are"
Saturday, Nov 5, 2022 | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Washington, DC 20024

Public Health Liberation is excited to announce our first annual membership meeting! We have carefully chosen a location that aligns our values with practice. We will convene in the heart of public housing communities in the nation's capital. The mission and vision of Public Health Liberation is to center the needs of people most benefitting from a radical transformation of the public health economy.

This hybrid meeting will be an opportunity for members to elect additional members to the Board of Directors, review and adopt the bylaws, and provide feedback for strategic planning. View agenda and policies online. The incorporators of Public Health Liberation elected three Board members that currently serve. This meeting is consistent with District of Columbia law that requires membership nonprofits to hold an annual in-person membership meeting.

Zoom Conference Details

Join by Zoom -

Meeting ID: 280 805 4481

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,2808054481# US (Washington DC)

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Breakfast will be from 8:40 am - 9:40 am ET.

Meeting Agenda, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm ET (Hybrid meeting)

  1. Call to Order

  2. Board and Member Introductions

  3. Discussion and adoption of bylaws (first order of business) - View draft here

  4. Elections open

  5. Call for Agenda Items

  6. PHL Updates

  7. PHL Open Forum (lunch break at 12:30 pm)

  8. Closing Remarks

  9. Elections close by 11:59pm on November 5

Registration Policy and Fee

  • There is no registration fee for members. A $10 donation is encouraged via this link.

  • Registration closes at 11:59 pm ET on November 3.

Membership Notification and Verification

  • Members will receive an email verifying membership by October 12. We may also request your mailing address if our membership records are incomplete.

  • Members with mailing addresses on file will receive an invitation to the annual meeting by mail and electronically.

  • If you do not receive an email verifying your membership after October 12, please join PHL as a member by emailing or completing this form.

Mask Policy

  • All in-person attendees should wear masks indoors during the meeting except while eating or drinking at which time social distancing should be practiced.


  • Free parking is available on-site or nearby. Please email for a parking pass at least four days prior to the conference.

Virtual Attendance

  • Registrants for virtual attendance should be members of Public Health Liberation

  • Attendance links are for the exclusive use of members of Public Health Liberation

  • Virtual attendees should arrive by 10:00am ET to ensure timely entrance in the meeting since the waiting room will be enabled. We will review attendees in the waiting room at least every 15 minutes, if not less, during the duration of the meeting. Virtual attendees may experience some delays in joining meeting if joining after 10:00am ET.

  • Audio and video recording are prohibited since this is a membership meeting rather than a public meeting

  • Voting will be open until 2:00 pm ET. Virtual votes cast will not count toward the quorum necessary for adoption of the bylaws.

Register for Annual Meeting.

Please ensure that you are a member of Public Health Liberation prior to completing this form. Contact us at if you have any questions.