PHL Founder Publishes on Community-Led Research

PHL Founder Christopher Williams, a PhD candidate, recently published a framework on conducting community-based research in Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery. This approach benefits organizations seeking to identify community health needs and pathways for meaningful engagement, combined with scientific rigor. Read Article

Innovative Research Framework for Strengthening Health Care and Public Health Engagement in Neighborhood Change as a Social Determinant of Health



Neighborhood change is a social determinant of health (SDOH) that has been associated with adverse health and increased health care utilization. The number of cities and neighborhoods undergoing intense gentrification, defined as an influx of wealthy populations into a working-class neighborhood, is not highly numerous. Public health and health systems are increasingly engaged with SDOH in community-level interventions. Pathways to study and affect NC-related health impacts are limited. This unfunded study provides a research framework to address concerns about financial investment, identifying population health needs, and community stakeholder engagement.


The authors conducted a cross-sectional pilot study in a highly gentrifying neighborhood in Washington, DC. They employed adapted and novel measures to gain insight into perspectives about NC and factors associated with poor health and high social vulnerability. The use of community and academic boards supported all phases of the research project. The methodological approaches of this study are discussed at length to benefit ease of adoption.


Several features of this NC study, including lack of funding, use of random household sampling, tailoring of measures to neighborhood, and extensive engagement with a community advisory board distinguish it from other NC studies. This study is beneficial to public health and health systems interested in SDOH, while providing a pathway for compliance with federal requirements on community health need assessments.

Recommended Citation

Williams C, Woodard N, Chao-Li Kuo C. Innovative Research Framework for Strengthening Health Care and Public Health Engagement in Neighborhood Change as a Social Determinant of Health. Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery. 2023; 3(1). doi: 10.53785/2769-2779.1135.


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