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Public Health Liberation wants to hear your stories.
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Public Health Liberation is dedicated to elevating public health to be aligned with everyday experiences with health. This includes creative expression, news aggregation, and storytelling. We believe that pathways for improved community health is deeply embedded in being receptive and responsive to diverse human expression, communication, and needs. Public Health Liberation deeply values the indispensable role and contribution of women as the gateway for achieving health equity.
We want to share your story on health and well-being. We accept all perspectives and creative forms. We just require that your work is original and publishable on our website. We can also link to sources that you find compelling and relevant. Email info@publichealthliberation.com

Why So Little Transparency in Public Health Grant Spending?
The lack of transparency in public health federal grant funding poses a major threat to the viability of public health to meet challenges in health and data equity. Websites for federal grant agencies do not contain ready access to successful applications, grant reports, related tools, and datasets. While much of these data can be obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, federal FOIA offices exercise considerable latitude to place limitations on public access. For example, I recently FOIA’ed to obtain the application for a $3.5 million funded federal grant application on LGBTQ+ mental health. The FOIA officer redacted 382 pages in full and only released 116 pages. The results provided the core of the grant activities, including consent forms and some assessments. The remaining 300-plus document was not released due to “trade secrets and commercial or financial information” and “information in personnel and medical files and similar files”. To gather data on any regular submitted reports to the agency or other pertinent information, I would need to submit a separate FOIA request. These practices that erect barriers to public data - the data that would be available under a FOIA request - is a hinderance to public health innovation.
Creative Arts.
“Maybe, we the project”
University professor and poetess PS Perkins reminds us about the humanity and lived experiences of families who live in public housing communities. She read her poem, “When a House is Not a Home” at the PHL National Webinar and Conversation on Liberation Philosophy, Systems Thinking, and Social Determinants of Health.
Documentary on Gentrification Captures Community Voices
Prior to starting Public Health Liberation,, Christopher Williams began an unfinished documentary to capture community voices in this gentrifying neighborhood of Washington, DC.
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Terms and Conditions: Upon submitting, you agree that you are the copyright holder or otherwise are legally entitled to submit for publication in The Hub and that you are truthfully representing your true or legal identity with the contact information that you include with your submission. You agree that the content is not published elsewhere. Once you submit to The Hub, we retain the ability to publish on our website and other promotional materials. You may request to remove content at any time.