PHL Publishes Health Equity and Liberation Terms for Praxis
Public Health Liberation has compiled nearly 50 novel and specialty terms in a free thought-provoking guide to elevate public health discourse on accelerating health equity. It synthesizes important concepts within and beyond public health that draw attention to barriers and opportunities within the public health economy. It borrows from praxis philosophy, critical race theory, legal studies, along with theories from a plethora of other disciplines. It is a great tool to jumpstart conversation among communities, researchers, and advocates. It also highlights examples of liberation praxis in real-time challenges in housing justice and data equity and provides historical perspectives that are germane to research ethics and revisionist public health.
“ I just spent a very short 15 minutes or so reading through the Guide, and found it really resonating. I am immediately going to integrate the idea of a non-neutrality commitment in my current classes (I’m teaching Environmental Health and PH ethics this quarter). I also really appreciate the prompt to support “intellectual progress of the mass,” and am going to reflect on how I’ve engaged in that over my 15 years as a community-engaged academic—AND how I can do that better. So much here. Thank you, thank you!”
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