Special Invitation to Resident Leaders in Public and Voucher Housing Communities

Dear Community Leaders,

I am writing to extend a special invitation to resident leaders in public and voucher housing communities to join Public Health Liberation. Newly established with the help of public housing leaders, we are a national nonprofit organization that is deeply committed to changing the conversation around public health. We seek new pathways for accelerating health equity to advance a future where income, race/ethnicity, education, and other social determinants of health do not determine health outcomes.

We are developing new approaches and tools that will assist national, state, and local partners in understanding your experiences, sources of poor health, and forms of community resilience. Residents in vulnerable communities have resources, talents, and history that are important to value in public health discussions. Your contribution is essential to achieving our mission. We believe that participating in Public Health Liberation offers several benefits. You can take part in the first ever national forum where public and voucher leaders can meet and discuss. You will help to develop resources that will be disseminated to leaders across the country and have a major impact on how your needs are framed and addressed. You will also be able to engage with partners within your communities using our tools and resources at no cost.

As long as you are a member in Public Health Liberation, your membership will be free. Your input and contribution are the value that we need to improve community health. Even if you cannot join right now, we have a brief survey question that we would like for you to answer to assist us, “What do you need to achieve health for yourself, your family and community.” You do not need to give your name or reveal your identity. If you decide to join, we look forward to working with you!


Christopher Williams
Founding Director, Public Health Liberation

Public Health Liberation is committed to ensuring that every community voice counts in public health. Our coalition is seeking to accelerate health equity.

Meet Our Board Co-Chair, Mrs. Patricia Bishop

Mrs. Bishop, Greenleaf Midrise's Resident Council President, is a Washington, DC native and one of the most proponent public housing leaders in Washington, DC. Mrs. Bishop is the recipient of the 2021 Southwest Community Leadership Award. Mrs. Bishop comes from a large family and has been taught from a young age to care for her biological and adopted families. Mrs. Bishop’s favorite liberation quote is to, “Get into good trouble,” the phrase made famous by Congressman and Civil Rights leader John Lewis. Mrs. Bishop is one of many Board members from public housing communities.

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As long as you are a member in Public Health Liberation, your membership will be free.